Il progetto Gemini ha ad oggetto i ritratti di dieci coppie di gemelli omozigoti, uomini e donne, e nasce dalla volontà di documentare le lievi differenze che due individui pur perfettamente identici nel corredo e nel patrimonio genetico possono presentare nell’aspetto fisico e probabilmente determinate dalla diversa interazione con l’ambiente dei due fratelli/sorelle. Ai fini di questa indagine, tutti i partecipanti hanno compilato un test sui propri stili di vita, sulle rispettive abitudini alimentari, sul tipo di professione svolta, sull’esistenza di particolari patologie che li differenzino l’uno dall’altro, sulla presenza di figli, sul modo in cui trascorrono il proprio tempo libero, etc. Nel presente progetto la fotografia diventa uno strumento di indagine della relazione tra natura ed educazione.
English Text
The Gemini project consists of the portraits of ten pairs of monozygotic twins, men and women, and aims to document the slight differences that two individuals perfectly identical in the genome may present in the physical appearance probably determined by different interaction with the environment of the brothers / sisters. To this purpose , all the participants compiled a test on their lifestyles, on their eating habits, the type of job performed, the existence of specific diseases that differentiate them from each other, on the presence of children , about the way they spend their free time, etc. In this project the photography becomes an investigative tool of the relationship between nature and nurture.
English Text
The Gemini project consists of the portraits of ten pairs of monozygotic twins, men and women, and aims to document the slight differences that two individuals perfectly identical in the genome may present in the physical appearance probably determined by different interaction with the environment of the brothers / sisters. To this purpose , all the participants compiled a test on their lifestyles, on their eating habits, the type of job performed, the existence of specific diseases that differentiate them from each other, on the presence of children , about the way they spend their free time, etc. In this project the photography becomes an investigative tool of the relationship between nature and nurture.